Be our strategic partners in enabling human connections at scale

EngageRocket actively partners up with organisations that share our ambition in order to enhance the experience of millions of people across organisations.


Contact us to explore partnership opportunities and join our growing Channel Partner network:

Engagerocket Partnerships header image


Our strategic partnerships

Marketing & PR 

From press releases, reports, strategic white-papers, podcasts or interviews, EngageRocket is always looking for new opportunities.

Do you have a project in mind? Reach out to our team.

Explore our resources library for examples of previous collaborations. 


Consulting, coaching and training

To provide our customers with the best services, EngageRocket partners with experts with industry knowledge, experience, and strategic insights.

Interested in becoming EngageRocket's partner? Please contact us.




Why EngageRocket


Benchmark with industry data 

Our data will help you compare against others in a similar industry. EngageRocket platform facilitates both internal and external benchmarking. 


Dedicated People Science team 

We have a team of experts working hard to decode employee experience. Every question, data, and analysis is backed by research from our People Science team.


Our caring Customer Success champions

At EngageRocket, we make it our mission to help you implement and use our platform successfully.

review rating on G2


92% customer satisfaction
with live chat support


95% of customers requests
served within a day



Contact us to explore partnership opportunities
and join our growing Channel Partner network: