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Find out the business value of a better Employee Experience

EngageRocket's latest free Employee Experience (EX) Value Calculator lets you see the potential dollar value your organisation can gain by improving on your EX.






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Why employee experience matters

Employee Experience (EX)
is a holistic view of how people interact with and perceive their work. 

From our years of experience in the HR space, we realised that the value of EX often goes unnoticed. While nobody would question the importance of a good marketing or sales strategy, the same cannot be said for EX.

This tool is developed to help you get a sense of the growth your business can enjoy with the adoption of EX initiatives (including solutions like EngageRocket's BELONG, GROW, and ACT)

Common misconceptions about adopting an EX program


“It’s costly and time- consuming”

Nowadays, there are many tools that organisations can use at a fraction of the cost and time.

“It won’t impact company’s bottomline”

Scientific studies and researches have found how employee experience impacts financial ROI for businesses. 

“It may open up a can of worms...”

Clear communications, expectations, and action plan are effective measures when implementing a new EX program.

The business case for championing employee experience

EX benefit


Experiential organisations enjoy 

higher average profit

EX benefit 2


Engaged employees are

more productive

Calculate the business value that you can get from a better employee experience


Tangible business impacts of a positive EX

📊 Businesses with highly engaged teams experience a 14-18% lift in productivity.
📔Businesses saw a drop in absenteeism by 81% when teams are engaged in their work.
🗓️On average highly engaged teams will experience a 18-43% improvement in turnover. 


Source: Gallup


Using the EX Value Calculator

  • There is no limitation on who can use this tool. Whether you are in leadership, HR, or management, you can benefit from understanding the tangible business impact of your EX investment
  • The calculator was developed with a 1-year time range in mind, but you can utilise it for any time range that you prefer
  • There is no mandatory currency you have to use. Feel free to use a currency of your choosing 


Getting your results

You will get your results straight to your inbox. If you're unsure of any of the steps or require some guidance, don't hesitate to reach out to us using the chatbox feature or email us at hello@engagerocket.co.


Other resources you might be interested in:


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